Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I started taking a Fiction Writing course today, so I'm going to try to post more! Hooray! We had an exercise in class. My instructor wanted us to write a short piece (about 100 words) about something we're working on or something we read. I decided to write about something I attempted to read, but couldn't:

Vampires do not sparkle. They charm you while sucking the blood from your veins, and ripping the heart from your chest. Women are not subservient. They do not anticipate your presence with every last pathetic breath they take. Staring them down, obsessively protecting them, and not accompanying a personality with that corpse of a face won't make a woman swoon. I like a beating heart and a set of balls with my men, and an independent spirit and a self sufficient mind for my women. Stephanie Meyer will not mold me into her definition of obsession...oh wait, sorry... "love".

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