The adorable kid in the pigtails with the ridiculous face? Yep, that’s me. That picture was printed in the Philadelphia Inquirer big enough so my grandmother could show her Bingo buddies from 5 feet away. My parents scrambled to buy copy after copy of that issue of the Inquirer. I think everyone in my family has at least two copies. I was the talk of the town, and I was so proud of it.
I remember the reporter being in my gymnastics class, and the photographer taking pictures of each kid jumping off of the balance beam. When it was my turn to jump I knew exactly what face to make. I knew how I could make that photographer think that he had captured the perfect picture. It was all me. His talent had nothing to do with it.
I hated gymnastics. I hated the way it made me feel, and I hated the way it made me look. You could never tell by that picture. I always knew what it took to get in the paper, get on television, get the lead, or get noticed. I could make them laugh with me, cry with me, hate me, and love me all in one night.
Getting a large group of people to love you is easy, too easy. It’s getting those one on one relationships. Getting one person to love you at a time.... that's the hard part.
So what face do I need to make? Tell me, and I'll do it.
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