Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tweet me a Story contest

I entered NYC midnight's Tweet me a story contest. They gave me a word, and I had to come up with three short stories. I could not exceed 140 characters. My word was sharp. Here are the three stories I came up with.

1) A sharp pain pulsated through my veins. The pain so real. I didn't know what to think...until the worms crawled out of my skin.

2) Your sharp metallic blade doesn't scare me. Once it's inside my chest, I feel an eerie sense of peace. I was meant to die like this.

3) Slick my hair back, whiten my teeth. I'll look so sharp. You won't know what hit you when I drop the powder in your drink. Just smile bitch

I like them! Man, I'm messed up.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Disclaimer: Yes, this is about the tattoo that I recently got. I do anticipate criticism for what it is and where it is, but it does not bother me. The fact that I am comfortable with myself enough to publicly show my self growth and awareness fills me with pride. It's more than I can say for the people that I have encountered in my life. To those that feel the same way that I do; this poem is a way of showing that you're not alone, and you can get through anything. This is for all of you.

That which makes life worth living.
For which you are eternally grateful.
Consumes and encourages those to suspend-
Time. When experiencing this simple emotion.
When you believe that it is over,
And your breath strains your old soul.
This will suck you back in, and now you gently-
Awaken. A sense of purpose and self worth.
You know you have so much to give,
And yet so much more to receive.
Do not close the door on sweet dreams that might have-
Been. Halt transgressions; anticipate future.
That which is here all around you
That which comforts you in solitude.
It is cheering you on, and reminding you-
That. It is waiting to be discovered again.